Good management must start at birth and continue throughout the animal's life. The bovine has a strong associative memory, therefore, previous negative experiences affect the animal's behavior when it has to go through the same situation again. Even if an animal has a good temperament due to a traumatic event it can become a problem animal.
The most important rules for good work are obvious but essential: common sense, calm, and respecting the bovine's natural behavior. We shouldn't "force" the animal to do something against its nature, knowing its behavior principles, we should "induce" it to do what we want.
I – Keep the cattle familiar with people and different types of handling (on horseback or on foot).
II – Be patient, you must respect the animals. Move calmly, avoid sudden movements and sudden sounds when entering the cattle.
III – Avoid leaving an animal isolated.
IV – Get cattle used to entering and leaving the pasture, paddock, and corral calmly.
V – Eliminate the use of stingers. The use of sticks with plastic strips or other distractions on the end works very well for touching cattle.
VI – Move small batches of animals.
VII – Limit the number of people in the corral to the minimum necessary to work with the cattle.
VIII – Remove dogs from the workplace.
IX – For any category, the first experience in a corral should be as smooth as possible.