Fat is the most variable tissue in the carcass and can vary in quantity, shape, and distribution during the development process. This fat is a source of energy reserve for the animal in times of dietary restriction.
Basically there are two types of fat that are best known: intramuscular fat (marbling fat) and subcutaneous fat (covering fat).
To identify the animals that will be destined for slaughter should have attributes such as good carcass conformation, precocity of growth and finishing combined with good weight gain, attributes that can ensure good performance during the fattening/finishing phase. The visual evaluation of the finishing grade on the live animal is a good alternative to identify and separate the animals that are "ready" for slaughter. It is recommended to separate the animals into standardized and uniform lots, especially those that are well finished.
Carcass finish is checked by observing the distribution and amount of fat cover in different locations on the carcass (at the level of the 6th, 9th, and 12th ribs dorsal and ventral parts of the large dorsal muscle and caudal serratus dorsalis muscle, in the lumbar region, and on the topside).